Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Punk Hits The Streets... and The Trains... and The Harbour ... and the Beaches ;o)


Step One: persuade girl-friend to spend the day together exploring the sights and sounds of Sydney.

Step two: get on bus and stand trapped among heaps of smelly strangers for 30mins

Step three: wait at train station standing in front of Station Name with goofy look on face to make girlfriend feel happy and like the tourist you are pretending she is

Step Four: get on Train

Step Five: get on ferry (no time for lunch or looking at opera house)

Step Six: Wait for another bus to arrive and have another tourist photo taken in front of beach

Step Seven: Jump on bus and wonder if heading right direction, converse with Busdriver and ask him if he knows where the best bodyboarding shop in the country is?

Step eight: get off bus and jump for joy in finding the most amazing bodyboarding shop

Step nine: Take girlfriend for burger and fries while contemplating purchase

Step Ten: Take geeky photo... must remember not to show friends how much of a geek I am ;o) bugger... looks like girlfriend has ruined that for me!!

Step Eleven: Spend hours deciding on the perfect board

Step Twelve: Bus ride home

Step Thirteen: Time to sit on beach and contemplate future waves in the deep south

Step Fourteen: Ferry home - girlfriend insists on another photo... something to do with Opera??

Step Fifteen: Grab hold of camera and make girlfriend look like the tourist she is ...

Step sixteen: treat girlfriend to wine and more fries for being so kind and caring

Step seventeen: repeat steps 1-4 in reverse order

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