Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Swanky Hallway

For any of you punks out there who are interested here are some pics of the finished hallway. (yay knickers i did it!!)
and more..... with glimpse of bathroom

and more....

and that is all... for now ;o)


EKB42 said...

hello aunty amy aka punkess, yahoo so excited that you have a blog... this is turning in to lots of fun. we love ALL the pics especially the ones of captain alexis and the hallway. it sure is black and white. keep up the good work, love katey and mum

Unknown said...

hi punks... very good job! You put us ferg's to shame with our blog... opps! Ah well good intnetions and al that ah!
Photos are great - sounds like all going well! Love all of us at fergdossy xx

Nicky said...

well you punks i'm very impressed...!!! although not so impressed by those posy beach photos miss amy...!!! hallway looks amazing i look forward to seeing more pics of the rest of the renovating as it's that spare bedroom going alex....?: )
Hope all is well in the love haven of lewin street, take care, nicky x